物語集 (A Collection of Tales)







A Collection of Tales

Modern Tanka by Ishikawa Mina

English translations by The Workshop in Japanese to English Literary Translation, Department of Contemporary Literary Studies, The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Letters

Main editor: Theodore Goossen
Editors:Masumi Kameda, Surovyi Viacheslav

July 2007

The following 45 poems were originally published on 45 dark blue cards the size of name-cards (meishi). They can thus be read randomly, in any order desired.




A story of a mountain witch* making a marsh of tears
Mourning for the arms and legs
She failed to devour


Yuichi Tsukada 塚田雄一




The story about a small key
Which the art museum curator T
Left behind.

Nakajima Kaoru 中島薫




In the haunted house of a fairground
Lives a real raccoon
So the story goes

Shimojima Akira 下島彬




A story of a discarded left arm
Creeping along the ground, one rainy night
Knocking on the door

Marina Fujita 藤田真理奈




This is a story of the wild grape
I lifted to my mouth in a haze
Turning into your finger

Ray Asaba 浅羽麗




A flowery story of two villains
With silver rimmed glasses
Who walk the path of evil

Satoshi Kimura 木村慧




A story which can only be told
When far away from
The address on one's driver's license

Kumiko Kondo 近藤久美子




A story of seven hundred pages
Consumed in the two hours
Before a brawl

Toshiyuki Fukushima 福島利幸




The tale of a life lost seven times
On a search
For the missing words

Shun'ichiro Akikusa 秋草俊一郎




The story of a desert
Where a child with a hole in his throat
Walks with a wheezing sound

Masami Yatagai 谷田貝雅美




The story of a manager's dreadful teeth
His excessively empty stomach
And the young player he devoured

Beata Kowalczyk ベアタ・コワルチェク


菜箸をひら、とあやつり赤鬼をつまみあげたり 昔の話


An ancient tale
Of a red ogre flipped this way and that
By a long pair of chopsticks

Viacheslav Surovyi ヴィヤチェスラヴ・スローヴェイ




A story of six people
Assembling in a lobby at two a.m.
Five without shadows

Jun Maeda 前田純




The story of a young woman looking into a mirror
Who turns into a mountain witch*
When the night comes


Nao Shibata 柴田奈央




"Excuse me, our departure is already delayed 5 minutes…"
A tragic love story
Told by a conductor

Viacheslav Surovyi ヴィヤチェスラヴ・スローヴェイ




A story of encountering someone
With whom I once shared a pair of shoes
In Ueno Park

Masumi Kameda 亀田真澄




A story that begins the day
A clumsy letter
Is thrown in her shoe locker

Toshiyuki Fukushima 福島利幸




A story about taking a vow
Filled with ticklish,
Itchy, wriggling words

Kumiko Kondo 近藤久美子




A story of ruining
A fresh sheet with cocoa
My body was dripping with it

Tomoko Takeda 武田 智子




A story of something I clung to
But whose silhouette faded
Even as I watched

Ohsumi Ryo 大隅亮




The tale of a winter' s night,
And burr-headed boys
Listening with mouths agape

Louise Hyatt ルイーズ・ハイアット




The story of a man who shaved
His mustache and beard
To make it through the winter

Viacheslav Surovyi ヴィヤチェスラヴ・スローヴェイ




Poison! Poison! cried the grandmother
Falling into a tizzy
A story of seeing coffee for the first time

Masumi Kameda 亀田真澄




A poignant tale of hearing folk tales from home
Told by the chestnuts
In one's chestnuts rice.

Dobre Luciana Marilena ドブレ・ルチアナ・マリレナ




A story of boiling and eating
A wild boar's ten children
In a village without fairy tales

Hiroki Nishibayashi 西林宏樹




A story of stealing the biscuits
Hogged by a high-ranking officer
Under the cover of a moonless night

Viacheslav Surovyi ヴィヤチェスラヴ・スローヴェイ




The story of a red ogre,
Who gobbled up eight portions of peach buns
To cheer himself up

Viacheslav Surovyi ヴィヤチェスラヴ・スローヴェイ




A story of the wings that enfold the world
Cutting across the quiet dream
Of a dog

Masumi Kameda 亀田真澄




A story of sipping sparkling soda
At a drinking party of love and hate
Inclining towards hate

Maiko Hoshino 星野真衣子


みぞれ味と聞いて買ひたる飴玉が吹雪味とは 困つた話


A story of the frustration
Of buying "sleet-flavored" candy
Only to find it "blizzard-flavored"

Maiko Hoshino 星野真衣子




A tale of gazing out the window
At one's beloved
Pretending to sell apples

Louise Hyatt ルイーズ・ハイアット




A story now totally unreadable
The ink fading
The moment it was abandoned

Reirui Ri 李凌叡




The story of a wagon,
Which runs westward, ever westward
Crammed with damaged stuff

Viacheslav Surovyi ヴィヤチェスラヴ・スローヴェイ




Doesn't anyone know,
Is there really no one who knows
The tale of the black apple

Shun'ichiro Akikusa 秋草俊一郎


犯人の好物はパフェ 綿密なる調査ののちにわかつた話


The criminal loves parfait
A story uncovered
After a scrupulous investigation

Ray Asaba 浅羽麗




The story of an old lady
Looking at the boiling sky
On the primates' last evening

Joyce Lim ジョイス・リン




A story of books growing limbs
In the blink of an eye
And escaping from earth

Tomoko Takeda 武田 智子




A story in which one can't go home
Because of the camouflage pattern
Sticking to one's chest

Taketo Matsumoto 松本岳人




A story about wading a waist-deep bog
And the precious biscuits
That went soggy and bad

Chiho Koinuma 鯉沼智保




The story of a man who plunged
To the bottom of a ravine

Risa Yokota 横田里砂/Masumi Kameda 亀田真澄


旅立つ日 コートの中で温めた小さな鍵を手渡す話


A story of handing over a small key
Warmed in my coat
On the day of my departure

Yuichi Tsukada 塚田雄一




A story of two continents that separated silently
Never to share
The same civilization

Satoshi Ikeno 池野智史




A story of reading and rereading
A single beautiful scene
Which tells how gloves are folded

Masumi Kameda 亀田真澄




The story of a young man
Who lost his leg to a landmine
Escaping from a mountain witch *


Beata Kowalczyk ベアタ・コワルチェク




A tale clouds wrote in the sky
Although we cannot tell
If it is fact or fiction.

Shun'ichiro Akikusa 秋草俊一郎

Copyright 2006 by Mina Ishikawa
Traslated by Kaoru Nakajima, Akira Shimojima, Fujita Marina, Satoshi Kimura,
Masami Yatagai, Beata Kowalczyk, Jun Maeda, Nao Shibata, Toshiyuki Fukushima,
Kumiko Kondo, Ryo Ohsumi, Dobre Luciana Marilena, Hiroki Nishibayashi,
Maiko Hoshino, Louise Hyatt, Reirui Ri, Viacheslav Surovyi, Ray Asaba,
Joyce Lim, Tomoko Takeda, Taketo Matsumoto, Chiho Koinuma, Risa Yokota,
Yuichi Tsukada, Satoshi Ikeno, Masumi Kameda, Beata Kowalczyk, Shun'ichiro Akikusa
